* 2015 Editor's Choice Award for Excellence in Design - Children'sTechnology Review *
* 2015 Parents' Choice Gold Award winner - Parents' Choice Foundation *
MATH > NUMBERS (Math is greater than numbers)
I became a lover of math when I discovered that math is greater than just numbers and calculations.
Mathematicians discover, explore, and explain the patterns in our world. The key to understanding math is understanding patterns. And one of the keys to understanding patterns is understanding the concept of attributes.
"Attributes by Math Doodles" is a set of 7 problem solving puzzles designed to encourage learners to actively explore, discover, engage and play with the mathematical concepts of attributes and patterns from 7 different perspectives.
Category Stack Classify items into stacks according to one attribute family. Items are piled into three stacks. Each stack is randomly assigned a target attribute. Move items and sets of items around with the tip of your finger from stack to stack until the traits of the members of each stack match the target trait represented at the bottom of the screen.
Combo Table Represent items in a table according to two trait families.
Find It Use deductive reasoning to uncover the hidden "IT".
Pattern Sequence Decipher and complete the pattern sequence.
Venn Compare and contrast sets of items in a Venn diagram based on given traits.
Double Traits Identify and arrange items that share two attributes in common.
If Else Sort Use logical if then statements to sort items based on their attributes.
Difficulty Modes
Each of the 7 activities is designed with 10 scaffolded levels. All puzzles are randomly generated allowing for plenty of replay and practice. Deeper understanding is encouraged by allowing users to choose from a family of 20 different attribute design sets.